What Education
Education is the key that empowers us to think, and to question
Skilled Lecturers
Skilled lectures create the spark of curiosity
Book Library & Store
Libraries allow the mind to explore freely, inspiring creativity
Welcome to The Sunbeam Sr Sec School
Our school is situated far from the hustle and bustle of city life, surrounded by the peaceful mountains terrian a really healthy and congenial atmosphere, plans to introduce a new concept and effective technique of education in English medium.

School Profile
Our Infrastructure
We work to identify ways to improve student learning measured on the basis of assessments mandated by CBSE.
Photo Gallery
Here you will find a large collection of some of our best photos to give you a a feel of our School.
Student Activities
It is a great pleasure to share activities conducted by our Kid's. A cool Place for Kids!
Admission Process
The Sunbeam follows CBSE Procedure. Our rules expected to be followed by our students.
Director's Message
Education is the most important part of a person's life. It not only modifies the animal instincts but also instils moral and ethical merits. It is the responsibility of the educational institutions to provide an atmosphere of freedom to each and every one irrespective of any discrimination.
The educational institutions aim at providing education according to the age, ability and aptitude of the children. The child is like a piece of wet mud which can be shaped in any form; The overall development of a person’s inward and outward, qualities is very necessary. Schools have to play a significant role to give child an opportunity to develop his knowledge and skill.
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Principal's Message
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The Sunbeam Sr. Sec. School situated far from the hustle and bustle of city life, surrounded by the peaceful mountains terrain a really healthy and congenial atmosphere, plans to introduce a new concept and effective technique of education in English medium.
We believe that the best learning can be imparted by warming the child's curiosity to learning through interesting play way methods avoiding to force conventional method.
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